California is home

citizenship For Judy and EMily

Sign the Petition

to support Emily and Judy

Judy Van Arsdale and Emily Warnecke were both adopted and brought to the United States by U.S. citizen parents as children. Despite being adopted and becoming integral members of American families, their citizenship was never secured.

As a result, both Judy and Emily are being denied critical benefits such as social security and disability benefits, and are struggling with poverty and housing insecurity. To make matters worse, even though they have lived in the United States for almost 50 years, they wake up every morning in fear of being detained and deported to countries where they cannot speak the language, do not know the culture, and would face great social and economic difficulties.

Please sign the petition to show your support!

We, the undersigned, urge Governor Gavin Newsom to grant pardons to Judy Van Arsdale and Emily Warnecke, longtime California residents and Asian American intercountry adoptees from Taiwan and Korea.  Both were adopted as children by U.S. citizen parents, only to discover as adults that their citizenship was not secured. A pardon will enable Judy and Emily to restore their immigration status, access critical Medicare and Social Security benefits, and live without fear of deportation from the only country they have ever called home.

If you’re an organization who’s interested in supporting this campaign, fill out this organizational sign-on form!


Opinion: 46 years after adoption, this Korean

adoptee obtained U.S. citizenship.

Now she’s advocating to update the law

- Deseret News

Utah's international adoptees urge

US Senate to make citizenship automatic

- KSL News

Opinion: It's time to grant full citizenship

to adoptees born outside of U.S.

- Cincinnati Enquirer

Seniors with no citizenship

- Korean Quarterly

Supporting Organizations