California is home

citizenship For Judy and EMily


The California Is Home Campaign is an initiative led by Alliance For Adoptee Citizenship, Adoptees For Justice, Ahri Center, and NAKASEC.

Our mission is to secure Governor Newsom's pardons for two international adoptees, Judy Van Arsdale and Emily Warnecke, enabling them to obtain their rightful U.S. citizenship and access critical benefits they desperately need.

Since the end of World War II, over 500,000 individuals have been adopted from abroad into the United States. Contrary to popular belief, citizenship was not automatically granted with adoption. There was a significant lack of oversight by the U.S. government, sending countries, and adoption agencies to ensure citizenship for intercountry adoptees.

The issue of adoptees without citizenship is uniquely American. In contrast, other receiving countries, including those in Europe and Australia, automatically granted citizenship upon adoption finalization. The U.S. attempted to address this issue with the Child Citizenship Act (CCA) of 2000, which granted automatic citizenship to adoptees born on or after February 27, 1983, or who were under 18 at the time of its passage. However, this arbitrary cut-off date excluded adoptees from earlier generations.

Tens of thousands of adult intercountry adoptees remain without citizenship. Many of these individuals, despite being legally adopted by U.S. citizen parents, have faced deportation to their birth countries. This is a grave injustice that the California Is Home Campaign seeks to rectify.

Our campaign focuses on the stories of Judy Van Arsdale and Emily Warnecke, who represent the broader struggle faced by many adoptees. By securing pardons for Judy and Emily, we aim to highlight the urgent need to protect all adoptees from the threat of deportation and ensure they receive the citizenship they were promised.

Join us in advocating for Judy and Emily and in calling for broader systemic changes to prevent future injustices. Together, we can make California a true home for all its residents, regardless of their adoption history.

Supporting Organizations


ACLU People Power Fairfax

Adoptee Hub

African Communities Together

Asian Adoptees of Canada

Asian Adult Adoptees of Washington

Asian Americans Advancing Justice | Asian Law Caucus

Asian Americans Advancing Justice | Atlanta

Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC

Asian Americans Advancing Justice | Chicago

Asian Counseling and Referral Service

Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance (APALA), Sacramento Chapter

Beteseb Felega - Ethiopian Adoption Connection

BIPOC Adoptees LLC

California Healthy Nail Salon Collaborative


Chinese Adoptee Alliance

Chinese Progressive Association SF


Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA)

Communities United for Status & Protection

Comunidades Sin Fronteras CSF-CT INC

Connecticut Shoreline Indivisible

Counseling at The Green House

Creating a Family

David Flores

Domino Foundation

Education for Social Justice Foundation

Faith and Community Empowerment

Family to Family Support Network

Filipino Advocates for Justice

Georgetown University Asian American Student Association

Haitian Bridge Alliance

HANA Center

Hmong Innovating Politics


Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights


International Korean Adoptee Associations (IKAA)



Korean Adoptee Association of Georgia

Korean Adoptees of Chicago

Korean American Association of Minnesota

Korean American Coalition of Chicago

Korean American Federation of Los Angeles

Korean Community Services

Korean Quarterly

Korean Resource Center

Korean Women’s International Network Pacific Los Angeles

Korean-American Society of Iowa

Korean-American Women’s Association of the USA, Inc.

Nanchang Project

National Asian Pacific American Families Against Substance Abuse

National Center on Adoption and Permanency

National Immigration Law Center

National Immigration Project (NIPNLG)

National Partnership for New

New Sanctuary Movement of Philadelphia

New York Immigration Coalition

OCA - Asian Pacific American Advocates


Occupy Bergen County

Ohio Immigrant Alliance

Orange County Asian and Pacific Islander Community Alliance (OCAPICA)

Orange County Congregation Community Organization

Orange County Environmental Justice

Orange County Justice Fund

Orange County Voter Info. Project

Pact, an Adoption Alliance

Sivje Parish

Thai Community Development Center

The Rhizome Center for Migrants

Unitarian Universalists for a Just Economic Community

United for Adoption

Viet Rainbow of Orange County

Visual Communications

VOICES, a BIPOC Adoptee Communtiy 501c3

Woori Juntos

Yeondae (Collective of Asian Adoptees for Justice)